Werkstattleitung Glass
Corinna Frahm
1983 born in Nastätten, Rheinland Pfalz
2002 Abitur at Wilhelm Hofmann School St. Goarshausen
2003-2006 Erwin-Stein Glasfachschule Hadamar 3-year educational program as glass cutter 2006 Participation at the Summer Academy Frauenau lampworking with Barbara Idzikowska, three week internship in Yzeure, Lycée Professionnel Jean Monnet, cooperation with Julius Weiland in the Artists Association Berlin
from 2007 studying at the Institute of Artistic ceramics and glass (IKKG), Höhr-Grenzhausen under Prof. Ingrid Conrad-Lindig and Prof. Jens Gussek
2011 semester abroad in Alfred NY, Alfred University, USA
2006 chamber / state and national winner for glass grinding
2nd prize winners in the contest "Die gute Form im Handwerk"
2005/07 International glass Price / Nachwuchsförderpreis, Rheinbach
2004/06/08 Glasstec Dusseldorf
2007 Museum "Living and Working", Nastätten
2007/08 Rundgang IKKG, Cera-Tech Center, Höhr-Grenzhausen
2009 Biennale du verre, Strasbourg
2010 final exhibition of graduates of the IKKG, Kasino, Höhr-Grenzhausen
2010/11 "Glasklasse" in Hamburg, Schloss Reinbek
2012 gratuate exhibition, b-05, Montabaur